D Soft helps you transition from paper workflows to fully digital solutions.

Get peace of mind with guaranteed exchange of digital documents
No more headaches about exchanging messages. Not even with thousands of numbers of invoices or documents per day.
The main benefits at a glance:
The EDI platform for e-invoicing
Easy implementation and quick realization of interfaces with suppliers and customers/members
Data management through the use of enrichment pipes
Save on processing documents without human intervention

From growing paperwork to a fully transparent digital flow
The paper flow takes way too much time, right? And you miss crucial detailed information. No more stress! DocFlows provides you with accurate AI technology to accelerate the process of having all rich information from paper or PDFs available directly in your ERP. Fast, accurate, complete, cost effective.
Key benefits at a glance:
Huge savings by replacing manual input
AI for error-free, complete information directly in XML
Always available and therefore continuity guaranteed
High ROI <3 months

Increase your insight and customer satisfaction with up-to-date information processes
By using the 'plug-in' DocConnect, applications are connected in real time and your customers are optimally served. As a result, you transcend the paperwork, and work from now on with up-to-date information at item or article level. With DocConnect, the entire information process is in sync. Analyze, predict and take more informed decisions.
The key benefits at a glance:
Connect data sources and applications from multiple systems
Make up-to-date information available in an integrated manner
Automate unnecessary manual efforts
Real-time visualization of business performance and activities

Authenticity of documents guaranteed
Do you have concerns about management, security and compliance when sending and delivering electronic documents? With DocZend and its built-in iSigner functionality, this is no longer necessary.
The key benefits at a glance:
Authentication of receiver and sender
Large files are easily sent securely via DocZend
Transparent receipt confirmation
Document storage for as long as you wish

From paper signatures to a fully digital compliant process
Are guaranteed authenticated signatures according to eIDAS regulation an absolute requirement in your industry? Use our certified iSigner solution to meet the requirements of signed digital documents.
Key benefits at a glance:
Legal European recognition of electronic signatures
Storage on independent, secure European cloud
Intuitive graphical interface for end users